Social media marketing tips by pierre zarokian



Social media marketing tips – Sometimes, staying connected with your customers becomes a very difficult task for you.on social media there are plenty of ways for you to stay in connection with your customers. However running a social media profile is very difficult than it looks. Here are some tips for you to handle your social media profile. Pierre zarokian is a writer and also he runs a company in los Angeles Angeles where they work for social media marketing. He knows everything about social media and he knows about all the pros and cons of the social media. He writes not only about social media but he also wrote about search engine journal.

Be where your audience is

You should be where your audience is because every social media platform has its different audience. There are several social media networks you can choose to promote your blog. Not surprisingly, Facebook is the most popular choice. That said, you should choose social media platforms that are relevant to your niche rather than spreading yourself across too many platforms. If you’re not sure where your target audience hangs out online

Instagram (67%) and Snapchat (62%) are popular among young people aged 18-29. But Facebook is popular across all age ranges.and it is mostly famous across old ages.

Other demographic statistics show that women (42%) are almost three times more likely to use ofPinterest than men (15%).

About 50%of college graduates and high-income households use LinkedIn. This is compared with 10% or fewer of those who have not attended some college or lower-income you should see where your audience is. You should work on that platform rather than go and spend your time on other social media platforms.

Post on a regular schedule

You should always post on your used platform on a regular basis. If first you do not get the response which you were wishing from your audience first you should not lose your heart and you should post regularly on social media platform and should try to win audiences heart and never give up posting on regular basis and one day you will get what you want and you should be honest with your audience and your behaviour should be very good with your followers

Use ads

Ads of any thing play a very important role in your promotion of your business. Ads play an important role more than the roles of pictures play with the promotion by the pictures.if you want to promote your business in social media then it doesn’t mean that which platform you should use ads instead of using posts and pictures. Ads give all the information you want and pictures can not give you all the information about the products.

Tips for Facebook


The business pages are handled differently on Facebook than other social media platforms. You should make a page for any business or brand different from your personal profile. A Facebook page can not follow anyone so it is a little bit difficult for you to get people on your Facebook page. However a good way to bring people on your Facebook page is to invest in people through your account or your employer account. You also have the option to share your page in some group. However you make sure that you have followed the group rules.

Tips for Instagram


When you are using an Instagram account then it is very important for you to utilise the Instagram hashtag system. Use of a hashtag is a good way to attract people who are interested in your should also use the related hashtag.For Example if you are launching the flags for pride month then you should use a hashtag of pride that is related to it.67%of young people who are in the age of 18 to 29,they use the instagram has become one of the most powerful platform for business.

Tips for Twitter


To manage an account on this platform to post often is the best way to get followers. It is recommended to you that to get followers you can post the news on your account and you can post some content 3 to 4 times in a day. Post frequently on your Twitter account will result in that good search engine will manage to show your posts when anything related is searched.I hope that these tips will help you. You can use this platform for your audience too as it is also one of the most trustworthy platforms in the world. You can promote your business and provide services on this social media platform.


Business has many advantages in doing jobs. If you are a business owner then you should not worry about the time. It is you who will decide the time. It will never matter which time you will go to work and which time you will come back to your home. You are the only one who will command and no one other will command you. It is also money that owning a small business too will give you more money than a job.. Pierre zarokian is a writer and also he runs a company in los Angeles Angeles where they work for social media marketing. He knows everything about social media and he knows about all the pros and cons of social media. He writes not only about social media but he also wrote about search engine journals.

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